Pilates Videos. 30min classes for home practice
Setup and Warmup short video (3:36min) - see also Technique videos where I spend 8.5mins on this important aspect.
1. Pilates 30:01min class 31 March 2020. Focus on stability and mobility. Includes warmup.
2. Pilates 31:38min class 3 April 2020. Focus on hip and shoulder strength and mobility, as well as glut max and abs strengthening. (No warmup).
3. Pilates 32:26min class 7 April 2020. Focus on mobility and strength. (No warmup).
4. Pilates 31:04min class 10 April 2020. An all-round class with aspects of mobility, stability and strength. (No warmup).
5. Pilates 42:15min class 13 April 2020. A low-level mobility, stability and relaxation class. Includes both warmup and one-legged standing.
6. Pilates 37:19min class 16 April 2020. A challenging strength class focusing on hips, shoulders and abs. Finishes with back mobility and stability. (No warmup).
7. Pilates 32:25min class 25 April 2020. A strength and mobility class focusing on butt, abs and shoulders. (No warmup).
8. Pilates 38:41min class 29 April 2020. A mobility and stability class with strength work through the abs. Includes warmup.
9. Pilates 35:12min class 6 May 2020. An all-round class with Stability, Strength, Mobility and another Strength sequence. (No warmup).
10. Pilates 32:57min class 13 May 2020. Focus on hip and shoulder (especially) strength and mobility. (No warmup).
11. Pilates 34:38min class 25 May 2020. A mobility and general strength class. Includes warmup.
12. Pilates 35:08min class 3 June 2020. An all-round class with aspects of mobility, stability and strength. (No warmup).
13. Pilates 38:39min class 8 June 2020. All-round class with aspects of mobility, stability and hips, shoulder and ab strength. (No warmup).
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